This Mobile design is of a Wechat app for a North American Math Tuition School.
This app was built for Chinese people living in North America to communicate with the Mathnasium school and to receive information from them. It also acts as an advertisement for the school in the Chinese community. They have almost 1000 branches across North America, having 76 branches in Canada. Many Chinese parents have difficulty using Chinese to communicate with school teachers and reading  school information.
I discussed with the client their needs, and they supplied the school’s fonts, colors, patterns, logos, symbol cartoon pictures, brochures, etc. for me to begin work. I communicated with their marketing team regarding project managing time for each goal, timeline, backend solution (using Tencent cloud server), and different version goals.  I also discussed with their developer detailed solutions for each functionality in each page. 
The Wechat platform is based on their own system, and has certain considerations. For example, we cannot use Google Maps within China. They also needed the calendar to book one-on-one assessments that synced to their own system, which unfortunately wasn’t usable with Wechat.  So, we needed to give the client a compatible solution for these kinds of barriers. 
Also since the school has many locations in North America, they needed a UX that easily switched locations for parents. We needed to consider GPS for the user’s location to make it easier to find a school close to their home.   
Also for this project, I built mockups, UX flows, created specific icons, and also needed to consider other apps for the design of this one. Such as designing the icon, for example.
A + Math project V1.0.2 Demo 

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